Please help prepare for the Buddhist-Maya Global Fire Ceremony November 7th!
Dear Friends,
Please help create world peace!
Please join us!
Last Sunday, Agon-Shu monk, Brother Tomono, shared a special mantra we can use to prepare us for the direct transmission of wisdom and for the main event on November 7th. As you look deeper into what this event offers humanity, we're sure you’ll agree we have a phenomenal opportunity for a quantum shift toward a world of harmony, oneness and peace. Many of you have been working diligently for dozens of years for a fundamental change in consciousness that can foster the birth of a new world.
What we need to make this happen is YOU, and your effortless activity to share this ev ent and message with your colleagues, family and friends. There is no cost to participate; anyone can join us regardless of their ideological or theological orientations, and it’s easy to participate. Now is the time folks; what we’ve been working for for years is now manifesting before our eyes. Please help to engage the world in this remarkable opportunity for personal, community and world peace.
Here’s how you can help:
1. Visit Common Passion's One Peace Live group page for this event, click on the “participate” button and join in at your own level of comfort:
There, you can state an intention, join the discussion, chat live, get information about the event, and easily share this valuable information with others.
2. Become a member of Common Passion as an individual or group (free for now) by creating an account. Once you do this, you can join the “One Peace Live” group for this event or any other group, like “Heal the Gulf”, “Conscious Convergence”, “Volunteers”, and more coming, like a Children’s program, a Free Energy program, and more very relevant and engaging programs. Just go to the site and click on “Create Account” or “Join”. If you’re already a member (thank you!), log in and join the “One Peace Li ve” group.
3. Join the conversation going on in Common Passion's One Peace Live Discussion Forum. It’s just starting and needs you! Ask a question, make a statement, share your concerns, they can't wait to hear from you!
4. Become a Fan on our Facebook page, and share a comment or question: Please be sure to 'LIKE' and 'SHARE' this page, it makes a HUGE difference!
5. Tweet about the event:
6. Be proactive. Common Passion's team of eager volunteers are helping to make this a global phenomenon in the next two weeks. How can you help? Figure out what that is (i.e. suggestion above, contact like-minded organizations, share with your local church or civic group, talk it up, stay tuned for other ways you can help, or contact if you can jump in as an active, much-appreciated volunteer with other skills and talents that can help ratchet this program up in short order.
Pick from the above suggestions, and let’s make this happen!
The paths of these two great spiritual leaders, Kiriyama Kancho and Alejandro Cirilo Pérez Oxlaj (Wandering Wolf), have been running parallel for over three decades. Both men received visions that a time in the future would come when humanity would reach a critical crossroad, with one path leading to destruction and another leading to the fulfillment of humanity’s greater destiny. These leaders have worked tirelessly for humanity so that when this crossroad is reached humanity would have its greatest chance of taking the path that brings peace and harmony to all. The path must be chosen in wisdom and mindfulness. We are at that crossroads; the time for that choosing in now. This is the purpose of the Aura Festival on November 7th, 2010.
At this second Aura Festival, Mayan Grand Elder, Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj, will give blessings with the Sacred Fire and the Mayan Staff of Authority, and Agon Shu's spiritual leader, Reverend Seiyu Kiriyama, will transmit the Buddha's thought, i.e., the vibration of enlightenment, to all those willing to receive it. Participants do not need to be knowledgeable of Buddhist philosophy in order to participate.
The Buddha's thought is the spiritual power that can only be possessed by those who have attained complete liberation – Buddhahood. It has the power to enable the dead to attain Buddhahood and to purify the living. It is also a method of transmitting the enlightened Buddha's wisdom to people via telepathy or spiritual transmission. On November 8, 1980, when Kiriyama Kancho visited Sahet Mahet in India, he received transmission of this enlightenment directly from Shakyamuni Buddha through intense telepathy, which felt to him like a brilliant and silvery vibrat ion. He would now like to send Buddha's vibration – Buddha's power – to you on November 7th via a live webcast. This auspicious date is the 30 year anniversary of Kiriyama Kancho’s receipt of the Buddha’s direct transmission, and the culmination of his life’s work.
Simultaneously, during the November 7th fire ceremony, Wandering Wolf’s Mayan Staff of Authority will help empower the earth toward the fulfillment of its desires for enlightenment, peace and harmony, and its sacred destiny as a nation amongst the stars. The Sacred Staff is said to have the power of Kulkulkan, the Feathered Serpent, the creative power of the four elements and also of resurrection and reincarnation. The day of the ceremony also has the energy of the Feathered Serpent, 9 Kan, making this an especially potent day to fulfill the ceremony’s purpose. The Staff is also symbolic of the Divine Feminine, whose receptive and connecting influenc e is honored, bringing together the magnificent, ancient spiritual wisdom of the Buddha and the Maya, like two hurricanes joining as one. This Sacred Staff has a 2000 year history and has been part of healing ceremonies around the world.
Please share, become a fan, tweet, etc. about this event. It’s a unique, powerful and FREE opportunity to bring the world together for oneness and peace:
Shift of the Ages | P-Qubd LLC
30159 Rim Rock Place
Canyon Lake, CA
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