Monday, October 11, 2010

The first World coordinated "Blue Skies" visualization is a fact!

Now we are co-creating a new reality!

Dear friends, before I say anything else today I would like to say a few words about yesterday's team coordinated visualization of the group "Blue Skies"

First of all, I want to thank everyone who so spontaneously and immediately embraced the idea and understand with their heart, how the effectiveness of this coordinated visualization works, as more than 50 people tuned yesterday 10.10.2010 at 10pm in a group release of high vibration, wich practically build a new reality, and all of them who will continue to align with us in the future process.

In essence, this is what we call spiritual activism, or otherwise spiritual motivation to collective consciousness Co-Creation. What does this mean in practice?
It means that we focus our mind and our emotions in what we reality want to experience in our daily lives.

This group started yesterday, this very original action by applying the knowledge of the functioning of morphogenetic fields on the issue of chemical sprayings and in general on the issue of the pollution of the atmosphere. Rather than resisting and "fighting", each one of us, a "reality" that was applied "unbeknownst to us" and against us, our team chooses to focus its collective powers to the reality of pure blue skies, that wants somehow to impose a “cancelling” I would say of the "reality of chemical sprayings *(chem trails).

You understand of course, that in the same way, we have tens and hundreds of other "realities" of injustice, pollution, inequality, disease and manipulation, that were “applied” and imposed to us in the same way, and that we can face each other "problem" in this “blue skies way”, going simply up on a more decisive level and seeing the whole picture. The "fact reality" that we know was for centuries preserved by a permanent show of fear and intimidation, and by withholding of the substantial knowledge –it is built directly on our consciousness inertia.

We forgot that we ourselves are the energy supply-often unbeknownst to us- of the “fact reality”, wich admittedly is far from us, wich we do not like and makes us sick… ...

Nowadays a huge wave of knowledge was released –again- through scientific research, but also through free access to more hidden spiritual teachings. All this knowledge is not to stay as beautiful theory or philosophy. Neither to make only some few people “special”. This knowledge expects us all to implement it practically in our daily life.

By what means helps each one of us to know about morphogenetic fields and their art of operation, to spend endless hours on babble theories on the subject, but to not apply this in practice? How helps us to know the power of collective prayer, of coordinated visualization or energy healing, but to go back to the old way of practical action when it is necessary to do something about our own health or the health of our family members?

What is often lacking is the ability to embrace in a holistic way everything we know, without a contrast and a contradiction “sabotageing” our self. For if there is in my mind and in my words the knowledge, but my actions are not consistent with what I say and think, that is what we do –we sabotage our selves.

I know that it is not always "easy" to make such a way of thinking and action a practice applied in everyday life, since the past few decades, according to our age, we are programmed to act in a certain way: in particular to acting against something, RE-acting. We react on what is happening around us, but forget to create in advance, what we see around us ...

In fact, of course, we always "create" what we see, even the bad ones we do not like. Just, we do it without conscience. Our every thought, every feeling, every word is building that what we will meet sooner or later in our way: the obstacles, the problems, the fights or the fun moments with discussions and celebrations.

Nothing comes across incidentally. We invite it. This of course assumes that we are prepared to take any responsibility, the whole responsibility, for our lives and to stop simply "nagging" ...

You would ask, have we invited the chemical aerial spraying? (-which is the starting point of this group)? Somehow, in a way, probably yes. At least we have allowed to a force that acts against us to take control of our common reality, as we did in other cases with wars, pollutions, infections, etc.
By ignoring our own share of responsibilities and through inaction, complacency, indifference and lack of awareness, we was isolated and began to be easily controllable and ‘manipulatable’ targets, of other atoms that very consciously choose to collect control, authority and power to the detriment of others.

This isolation turned us to seemingly unrelated cells within the body of humanity and thus the "cancerous tumors" in the body of humanity rose. Many times we ourselves used to operate, or still operate like cancer cells. What does this mean in practice? That we like to ‘eat’, to suck energy from an "organism" by no regard to other cells needs and by stopping the communication with them. That is why the power-forces who act against the collective good try by all means to isolate people by making out of them detached cells from the rest of the society’s organism...

The truth is that we never was and never are "cut off" from the rest of the “humanity”-body. All our actions, thoughts, words have an impact throughout the whole organism. We are a unique body, the body of the humanity and we are connected on a consciousness level to a network that resembles that of the internet. So any "detached cell” that decides to heal it’s self and communicate with neighboring cells influences the health of the entire body of humanity. It restores the energy flow and restores health.

The bad thing is that many people today never learned how to actually have the ability to draw unlimited power-energy from the Earth and the universe and by a sense of "lack" and " insufficiency" accustomed they used themselfs "stealing" in some way energy from other people -and indeed often without even consciously knowing that they are doing so. Others although have learned the correct way of “recharging” their energy as people-cells, but again because of fear or a feeling of lack, -fear of being "stealed" and loosing this valuable energy because of others around them this time-, behave themselves also selfish and isolated to "keep the energy levels" and "insure" their energy…as they believe so...

I think my friends you undersand that in this case is the fear that governs these reactions ... There is no lack of energy and there is no shortage of energy.

By knowing this, we do not block the free flow of energy nor in our body nor between us and other people around us. Because we know that as more energy we allow to pass through us, and be forwarded to others, the stronger we became.

Knowing how our attitudes contribute to the general good of all mankind we choose to throw the unhealthy selfishness away and choose to act as part of the whole. Because it is so. We are part of the whole. We are part of the body of humanity. We are One.

So awaking in this consciousness, we put our "small ego" under control and teach it, like a beloved pet, to work as our real ally. Yes, you need to know which cell or what kind of a cell you are in the body of humanity. You need an "identity", but this identity is not above the identity of the entire body, nor should this make me "break away" and "pick" from the rest of the body. It is simply helping you |(and me) to realize the function you have to perform in the body, by knowing that your existence depends on the functionality and harmony of the adjacent cell ... And ultimately I (or you) as a cell know we all have exactly the same needs to be healthy and happy, and that only together can we preserve the body as a whole ...

I think we are in the stage where the "cancer" that plagued for centuries the body of the humanity is beginning to be healed. We are beginning to unlock our energy and allow the body to cure itself. The "cancer cells" have two choices: either they become once again healthy cells as they was before or the organism will wash them out to sustain the life in the rest of the body ...

Of course cancer, as it is so insidious, joined the body of humanity with a strong shock, in a form of mental- spiritual conflict sometime in the past. It was that moment as we gradually began to forget the real relationship between us. It was a time when some cancer cells have chosen to "survive" by building cancer pyramids ... But the body of the humanity has chosen to heal its self, proof of this are we, along with hundreds of other similar groups who are synchronizing for the common good.

The pyramids undoubtedly will be torn down and in their place will flourish human-"trees" that communicate with Earth and with the universe forming all together a new ecosystem like a forest, where all kinds coexist with their diversity as a harmonious whole.

I hope these examples can illuminate a little bit more how this group functions and the objectives that we have decided to jointly serve for the common good.

I know that our logic has a lot of questions waiting to be lit, but most of all counts the wisdom of our hearts, which was sidelined for decades. Logic alone is not enough, instead it is enough to block us because it is used to operate on egoistic standards. Logic wants to connect with our heart to be transformed into wisdom. And this will happen gradually as we soften inside and allow the warmth of our hearts to shine in the eyes of us all. Above all we need fearlessness and joy.

We have nothing "exogenous" to fear because the "saboteurs" lies within us. As we are not expecting any help from "aliens" and "saviors" because the everyone’s savior is within us. He always was there...

However, we take great support from the very nature of the Earth itself and the universe, part of which we are ourselves. As we unlock our hearts and allow energy to flow naturally we begin to feel that the whole Earth and the entire universe communicates with us. They are always do communicate just we did not feel it because we isolated ourselves by raising huge walls around us ...

Earth and universe are supporting life. Life with respect, harmony and health. Because only with this characteristics is there happiness and co-creation. Let us therefore give up the armor we wear, and let us take brushes to paint our reality as we want it to be. We all have to put a finishing touch to the table of our common reality. Now is the time to choose the colors ...

The skies will be blue with white clouds, sometimes with a rainbow that comes after the fruitful rain, like a promise that light and colors will prevail ...

With deep respect for the Earth and the sky that unites us
a cell of the humanity ...
a painter of the new reality ...

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